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GeoIP Patch for Analog
Analog is a powerful tool to analyze log files that generates beautiful reports complete with pie charts. Written in C, it is blazingly fast. However, Analog in stock form is not equipped with GeoIP resolution i.e it does not give geographical locations of access by IP addresses of hosts. It does have a DNS lookup feature but that usually just gives the name of the user's ISP, not a very interesting feature. We have patched Analog to add GeoIP resolution i.e it can produce reports with geographical location of access. We achieved this by substituting GeoIP-report in place of Operating System and Browser report, which is of less significance, and has least side effects on other reports. Example report
Analog-6.0 has a command "UNCOMPRESS" which can be used to specify a user-specified program to uncompress the log file if it has been compressed in some other format.
Thus using "UNCOMPRESS" command we can pre-process the log file data before analog actually reads it . Accordingly, we have replaced uncompress program with another that intercepts the log data and substitutes browser info in each logline with GeoIP location at runtime.
To do this we used MaxMind.com Geolocation APIs. MaxMind provides professional GeoIp solutions as well as a free/open source binary GeoIp database accessible by a C-code API. For more details visit http://www.maxmind.com.
To do this we used MaxMind.com Geolocation APIs. MaxMind provides professional GeoIp solutions as well as a free/open source binary GeoIp database accessible by a C-code API. For more details visit http://www.maxmind.com.
What you need to do
- Download analog.
- Download the logfile convertor and the analog patch
- Apply patch to these files : tree.c -> source file in "analog-6.0/src" directory
- Compile analog-6.0 : in analog-6.0 directory $ make
- Download C-API to access GeoIP database : download C-API
- Download GeoLiteCity.dat.gz : You need to download this binary database and keep this file after unzipping in "analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4/data" directory.
- Compile GeoIp.c : GeoIp.c is a C source file which filters the log file lines with Country and City information by accessing "analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4/data/GeoLiteCity.dat" binary database. This is the actual pre-processing.
- Important to make GeoIP work:
- Your specification of log format to analog must be as below, except the last parameter which represents user. You can provide this format to analog at runtime as follows +C"LOGFORMAT (%s %v %j [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] \"%j %r %j\" %c %b %f \"%B\" \"%u\")"
- You need to use UNCOMPRESS command line argument of analog as follows if it's in zipped format. +C"UNCOMPRESS < name of log file with full path > (gunzip -c < name of log file with full path > | analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4/GeoIp )"
- You must have OS-report on and Browser-report and Browser-summary off. OSREP ON
uk.lng -> language file in "analog-6.0/lang" directory
go to directory analog-6.0/src, copy file "tree.c.patch" there and use patch utility to apply patch as follows
$ patch tree.c tree.c.patch
go to directory analog-6.0/lang and use patch utility to apply patch as follows
$ patch uk.lng uk.lng.patch
copy GeoIP-1.4.4.tar.gz to analog-6.0/ directory and untar and unzip using following command.
$ tar -xzvf GeoIP-1.4.4.tar.gz
go to "analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4" directory
follow the readme to install GeoIP-1.4.4 in analog directory.
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install
Copy GeoIp.c file in analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4/ directory. Compile this file to produce executable file "GeoIp" ...
$ gcc -lGeoIP GeoIp.c -o GeoIp
Example :
For the following apache log file line: news.linq.in - [14/Apr/2008:10:37:06 +0530] "GET /sn.e HTTP/1.1" 200 6173 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/" "ravikumar"
At run-time this line will be replaced with new line with GeoIP location: news.linq.in - [14/Apr/2008:10:37:06 +0530] "GET /sn.e HTTP/1.1" 200 6173 "-" "GeoIp; India:Bombay^" "ravikumar"
Note that we have replaced "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/" information field with "GeoIp; India:Bombay^" field.
%s : host (the client hostname, or address of the computer making the request) Ex.
%v : virtual host (the server hostname, also called the virtual domain) Ex. news.linq.in
%j : junk: ignore this field (field can be empty too) Ex. -
[%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] : date and time field in format Ex. [14/Apr/2008:10:37:06 +0530]
\"%j %r %j\" : file requested Ex. "GET /sn.e HTTP/1.1"
%c : HTTP status code Ex. 200
%b : number of bytes transferred Ex. 6173
%f : referrer Ex. "-" note that this may contain referrer site.
\"%B\" : browser Ex. "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/"
\"%u\" : user (tip: a cookie or session id can usefully be defined as %u too) Ex. "ravikumar"
If it is not zipped then you need to provide it as follows
+C"UNCOMPRESS < name of log file with full path > (cat < name of log file with full path > | analog-6.0/GeoIP-1.4.4/GeoIp )"
Go through "http://www.analog.cx/docs/Readme.html" before implementing this feature.